Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maths Homework

I'm starting to rant like an grumpy old mother....but why aren't kids taught their times tables properly anymore? Number 1 son just brought home a sheet of maths questions that he needed to complete and if he knew his tables he would know the answers - easy peasy! But he only knows the answers to the tables eg. his 2 x tables he says 2,4,6,8,10, 12 etc so when I asked him what is 9x2 he couldn't answer off the top of his head, we had to go through 2,4,6,8 etc until he got to the answer...............gggggrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe I will get both boys to stitch this sampler by Carriage House Samplings during the Christmas Holidays so that they can really learn their tables.
Now that I have vented, I am feeling much calmer ( well nearly!)..


Pat @ My Tattered Elegance said...

Hi Christina~
This is the first time I've had to get back to the lovely ladies that visited My Tattered Elegance the other day. I think I am up and going now.
Think I need to do your sampler too. Sometime I can't remember and have to get a calculator.

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Hmmm...It is like reading by recognition or by sounding out words,
Why are they not teaching to sound out ow...Unless you recognise a word you are very limited.
That stitching is nice just to have hanging even if it dserved no other purpose

Anonymous said...

Oh yes Christina, I couldn't agree more. When Taylor was in grade 5, we were told by his then teacher, that WE put far too much importance on tables and that it would come to him later...ha, well guess what, he did learn them, but at home with us, not with his teachers..and we did the same with Montana..
But when Matt was at school, he had an older teacher who pumped the tables and he did well at maths..
Now i've had my vent, i feel better
luv Ann.xx