Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No comment

I omitted to say yesterday that our Etsy banner (and also the banner at the top of this blog) was designed by Renee Thompson - if you are after some graphic work, I would highly recommend her.
I'm married to a kiwi - no comment necessary!!!!!


Pam said...

Really like your etsy banner Christina. Might have to look at changing mine. To something more eye-catching.
Did you get that article on the buckles? Just that I've been having probs with my e mail and hoped that it got through to you. xx

Miss Muggins said...

Had a good laugh at the A-Z chart!

From the Attic said...

Hee hee. Another Kiwi here. We really don't all speak like that LOL!!


Millie said...

Just love this Christina! Husband #1 was a Kiwi, Husband #2 a Victorian! And yes #2 is often more difficult to understand!
Millie ^_^

Priscilla said...

oh my gosh, I'm reading through the alphabet - and saying it outloud to myself and I DO, speak like that....I must be the genuine article!

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?