Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday already

Don't you love it when you visit your Accountant? No....neither do I. Husband and I visited ours on Monday to find out that he needed some figures entered differently - that's fine - but then he said that he needed them by 9am Wednesday as he was going on holidays at the end of the week. Also fine but when your accountant is in Adelaide and it takes you 2 1/2 hours to get there, that means it also takes you 2 1/2 hours to get home to where your figures and computer are.

So Tuesday was spent all day checking bank statements, entering figures and not enjoying it very much at all. Especially when I wanted to be doing other things, in readiness for a crafting weekend coming up very soon. Thankfully the figures were all done by 9pm on Tuesday and husband very kindly offered to do the trip back to Adelaide again today, to take them to the Acccountant. The recent request from Grrl was for some long, narrow, yellow strips of knitting - the "O Wise One" (my mother) suggested that I use some circular needles rather than just having 3 or 4 stitches on regular needles and having to turn rows all the time. So the "O Wise One" gave me some of her circular needles and I set out to see just how long the strip would be. I know it is a little hard to see the needles in the photo as they wanted to kink and bend but they produced nearly 6 metres of a narrow knitted strip. I've since knitted a couple of others in finer knit as well. It is only today that I have discovered what Grrl has wanted them for!!!!Even "O Wise One" has knitted a strip for Grrl and the National Art Gallery - it took her one day - whilst it would have taken me several!!!!!!! This photo was taken a few years ago but it is a common scene in my parents house - they are watching the football - Dad (known as Pappy) is sooooooo enthralled in the football that he wouldn't have even known that the photo was being taken and RR (O Wise One) is multi-tasking. She is watching the football (maybe her beloved West Coast Eagles), has 2 cats on her lap, knitting, and has the telephone, cup of tea and TV controllers all next to her, very accessible.
We women are so good at being comforters, providers, producers and entertainers, whilst men can only do one thing at a time!!!!!


Unknown said...

What a pain with the accountant . I love the photo of your parents , women really are different aren't they?

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

so true about the last part..that is how I look on the couch at night..kitty on my lap.stitching..remotes by my side etc..hubby knows I need to be in control of my remotes..:)

The Joy of Nesting said...

Oh with that True Life statement you surely must be known as O Wise One-IT (in Training!!) SInce that is such a lot to write when addressing you, might I have your permission to address you as OWOIT?? :) ((G))

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

Anonymous said...

I am going to have to take notes from the Wise One..what an amazing bit of knitting! And she is so on the ball with the cats herded onto her lap AND the remote..
I cant get her to "sign" it, wont you?

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

You look alot like your Mumma.
I love the volumes that photo speaks.
They have such a contented awe.
My Hubby says the closest Men get to multitasking is using a dust pan and broom in unison!!!!

Melissa said...

Love the pictures, I think we can learn a lot from the Wise One.